Cedar Lodge Dental: Services

General Dentistry

Dental Fillings
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Complete + Partial Dentures
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Dental Crowns
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Tooth Extractions
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Root Canal Therapy
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Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are typically used to treat cavities in the teeth. There are various materials available for fillings, including gold, composite resin, and amalgam. Although most fillings are composite resin, your dentist will discuss what options are most logical for your circumstance.

Complete and Partial Dentures

Custom dentures, made from durable acrylic resin material, are offered as a solution for missing teeth. Whether you require a full set of dentures or a partial set, our team can help determine the best option for you. Dentures restore facial structure, improve chewing ability, enhance speech, and strengthen facial muscles.

The procedure involves tooth removal, impression taking, and subsequent fittings. Instructions for denture care and adaptation are provided at your visit. Schedule a consultation to explore the benefits of custom dentures and achieve a healthy and complete smile.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown, also known as a cap, is a tooth-shaped covering that strengthens and protects a damaged tooth. The process involves tooth preparation, taking an impression, and fabricating the crown in a dental lab.


A dental bridge is a dental restoration that fills the space created by missing teeth. It consists of two crowns on either end, which act as anchors, and an artificial tooth or teeth that fill the gap. The bridge helps prevent the movement of adjacent teeth and restores functionality. It functions similarly to natural teeth once it is in place. If a fixed bridge is not possible, a dental implant is considered the best alternative.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is the removal of a severely damaged or problematic tooth. Our dental team performs extractions when necessary, ensuring patient comfort and safety. For complex cases, we can coordinate with oral surgeons for specialized treatment. Our goal is to prioritize oral health and provide the best possible care.

Root Canal Therapy

In the case of severe tooth decay or infection, we may suggest endodontic (root canal) treatment as an effective solution. Root canal treatment aims to restore the health of damaged or infected teeth. Our dentists primarily perform selective root canals but can coordinate treatment with an endodontist for complex cases.